Monday, January 08, 2007

Hymn of the Week

From a lyrics standpoint, this is my very favorite hymn. I'm not at all crazy about the traditional melodies. There was a beautiful choral arrangement with a different, very effective melody that we sang in the Unversity Chorale, but I've searched the internet to no avail and am sending off an e-mail to some friends to find out (hopefully) who wrote it. But, in the meantime, take the time to read the words to this great song as if you'd never heard it before, and you will be blessed.

Arise, My Soul, Arise

Arise, my soul, arise; shake off thy guilty fears;
The bleeding sacrifice in my behalf appears:
Before the throne my surety stands,
Before the throne my surety stands,
My name is written on His hands.

He ever lives above, for me to intercede;
His all redeeming love, His precious blood, to plead:
His blood atoned for all our race,
His blood atoned for all our race,
And sprinkles now the throne of grace.

Five bleeding wounds He bears; received on Calvary;
They pour effectual prayers; they strongly plead for me:
“Forgive him, O forgive,” they cry,
“Forgive him, O forgive,” they cry,
“Nor let that ransomed sinner die!”

The Father hears Him pray, His dear anointed One;
He cannot turn away, the presence of His Son;
His Spirit answers to the blood,
His Spirit answers to the blood,
And tells me I am born of God.

My God is reconciled; His pardoning voice I hear;
He owns me for His child; I can no longer fear:
With confidence I now draw nigh,
With confidence I now draw nigh,
And “Father, Abba, Father,” cry.

Words:Charles Wesley
Music: Lewis Edson

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