Monday, June 11, 2007

Flag Day for Kids

  1. Rules for flying the flag and great Americans sharing their thoughts on the flag at the Presidential Prayer Team for Kids website.
  2. A candy flag at the Idea Box.
  3. A flag to color at Crayola.
  4. A craft stick flag craft at Enchanted Learning.
  5. Printable flags and skads of other Flag Day ideas at Child Fun.
  6. There are several Flag Day worksheets as well as Father's Day sheets in the new Joyous June set of worsksheets at Learning Sign up for access - it's free!
  7. The All American Flag Mold, or, if you don't have a mold, Uncle Sam's Red, White, And Blue Parfaits from Kraft Foods.
  8. American flag iron-ons from hp.

We try to have a Kid's Day party each summer. So far we've had a Pirate and Island Princess Party and a Cowboy and Indians party. This year we're having a Flag Day party. We'll make a flag craft then decorate bikes and wagons and make homemade instruments (or use what we already have) for a parade to Sousa marches. We'll have few all-American games including hot potato (with a flag, of course). We'll learn and sing "You're a Grand Old Flag," then read some flag books while enjoying hot dogs on a stick, the flag mold, and watermelon star pops. After lunch, we'll turn on the sprinkler and jump in the pools for some water fun. Maybe the Cool-Off Game or water balloons too.

1 comment:

Kelly said...

As always--you are such a great source for ideas!