Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Old Fashioned Clothing

Since Rosie loves Little House so much I had to find her a sunbonnet. I got an amazing deal on a e-bay auction for this brand new one from Old Fashioned Clothing. They have all sorts of "prairie wear" for young and old. Amy was sweet and helpful, and they shipped it out pronto. Check it out!
BTW, they have smaller bonnets, but the auction was for a bonnet for ages 4-12 and I figured she'd grow into it. :^)


Leigh Ann said...

So cute!! I'm a sucker for sunbonnets. Even found a free pattern to make one on line & have made four so far - not too hard! It takes a poor seamstress like me about three hours & 1 yard of material. Sorry the link is so long, but the pattern is great. They turn out really cute & you can pick your own material...


Leigh Ann said...

P.S. - The pictures (which are really the only thing you need for the pattern) are now under the "image gallery". If you click under the lady there on the main page with a cow, you'll link to the pix you need.

Alicia said...

Thanks, Leigh Ann. I looked at patterns, but was afraid to try any that werem't cut and traceable. It's been a long time since I sewed - I finally got a new machine. Plus, I'm spoiled. I just show things to Brian's mom and she takes them right home and sews them for me! I bookmarked this one.

Hannah Marie said...

Awww, she's so cute!

Anonymous said...

how pretty in pink Rosie is
I love those books too

Leigh Ann said...

Man, your kids have a personal seamstress Grandma?! You are so LUCKY!!!!!!!!

Alicia said...

I know that I'm blessed. My mother-in-law is pure gold. I love her very much and she treats me and regards me as the daughter she'd never had.