I finally got my planner together this weekend ( last minute, as usual). I found some great lesson planning pages. Here's what I'm using this year:
School Days - for keeping track of our 180 day count. Right now it looks like we'll finish up midway through March just in time for spring!
2007 and 2008 overview calendars
I couldn't resist these monthly calendar pages, but they only had 2007, so I finally found plain vertical pages for 2008 here. As a bonus, I got to explore all of their holiday/special day information.
Weekly Planning Sheets ( I love these because I can jot ideas on those big blocks ahead of time and list library books to request and craft materials on the other side!)
Weekly Log - I only printed one of these. I think this will work for recording what both Ethan and Anna do. It's only their math, reading, and writing that are different. If not, I'll figure something else out. This recording for two is making my small brain do gymnastics. I do like that it has extra lined space for language arts stuff.
update: I fixed the links. Not sure what happened there.
I love the Donna Young planning pages too.
Have fun...love those first day of school pictures!
Jennifer B.
How do you schedule your school year? I am trying to finalize ours now and end up finishing mid-April. Do you take any days off or just work straight through? I even have 12 days "stored up" that we have done since the beginning of July. We will start counting again next Monday.
Thanks for sharing all these links!
I just decide either when I would like to start or when I would like to finish (or both), see how many days I've already accumulated, then just go through a calendar deciding when we're gong to be on vacation and how many of those days will count as field trips, which holidays we'll take and not count, which Saturdays we'll be doing something like a field trip and just see where it takes me. I don't see the point in taking a lot of days off because we can just read some good books and it counts anyway. The whole counting thing is kind of dumb to me, because even though we don't always do a "full day of schoolwork" or multiple subjects a day, there is nearly always something that is educational in the day, so which days I count seems almost subjective sometimes. But that does leave us plenty of wiggle room when we just have to play or go do fun things.
This will be our first year with two children in school at home, too. Only ours are fifth & first, so they do nothing together! It should keep us busy. That & the preschooler.:)
We don't start until after Labor Day around here due to Daddy's schedule - he teaches sixth grade. Those school pix are adorable!!
Sending prayers for a great year for you all, Leigh Ann
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