Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Watermelon Wonders

Before summer winds down completely, try these fun watermelon treats.

1. Cut out initials with cookie cutters. They were a big hit at my house.

2. Make Watermelon Pop Stars. They're one of my kids favorite summer treats - and I don't mind them asking for two or three of these "popsicles". We started playing with the shapes too, using any cookie cutter that doesn't have small shapes. Bears, hearts, and a butterfly worked for us.

The stars are fantastic treats for patriotic holiday get togethers too.

And as a bonus, the leftover watermelon pieces are a great snack for grownups or a headstart on a fruit salad, slushies, or ices.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hello! I know...long time, no comment.

I found this Flat Stanley project and it seemed like something you might have fun with: .

Have a great day!