Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Budget American Girl fun

Okay, I seem to be on a roll here so why stop? This might make a good stocking stuffer, or just a fun project. I've loved American Girl dolls since they started. Last year, we read the Felicity series together after my kids watched the movie and loved it. Then we read the Kirsten series. Last night we finally saw the Samantha movie and loved that too. We initially made paper dolls of Felicity and Elisabeth for Anna Kate to use with out toy horse collection, and we've added to them. Just mount the pictures of the dolls you like on thin cardbaord, such as a cereal box, cut them out , then laminate them. They are played with often at our house!

these are just a few - the others, having been played with recently, are scattered.


Anonymous said...

That's a neat idea! Hannah has an American Girl Doll paper-dolls set that she loves to play with. Yours looks life-sized, though. Much cooler! So did you just get the big pictures from a catalog, or what?

Alicia said...

There are usually one or two in the catalogue that are a double page spread, usually new ones - that's one of them.

United Studies said...

Hey! Now I know what to do with the American Girl catalogs that started mysteriously appearing in our mailbox! Neat idea!

Diane Shiffer said...

What a completely AMAZING idea!!! This is gonna be a birthday present at my house,

TheNormalMiddle said...

Oh wow. What a great idea. My girls will go nuts for this.

I love your blawg, Alicia. You're the best!

Merry Christmas!!!!

Kim said...

I LOVE this idea! Thanks, Alicia!