We finally got our Easter decorations up. Ethan brought some wonderful things home from our fantastic children's program at church, including this craft, which is a family tradition of one of our pastors. It is hot glued stick crosses stuck into a foam block and covered with Spanish moss. It came with six interchangeable ribbons.
- Palm Sunday - Green, The Triumphal Entry: Jesus Arrives in Jerusalem (Mt. 21:1-11; Mk. 11:1-10;Lk. 19:29-38)
- Thursday - Brown, The Last Supper: Symbol of Jesus' Coming Death (Lk. 22:14-20)
- Friday- Red, the Crucifixion: Jesus Dies for Our Sins (Lk. 23:33-47)
- Saturday - Black, The Waiting: Jesus' Body in the Tomb (Lk. 23:50-56)
- Easter Sunday - White, The Resurrection: Jesus Conquers Sin & Death (Lk. 24: 1-12)
- Monday - Purple, the Mission: Jesus' Work Continues Through Us (Mt. 28:18-20)
You know that you celebrate too much when your kids find out that it's St. Patty's day and immediately want to know what kind of green breakfast you're going to have. I thought I bought Lucky Charms with extra clover - but I couldn't find it if I did, so we had green apple oatmeal!
We're going to an Ireland activity at the library later too, and have several books to read - and green clothes, of course.
Alamo Day for school - books and the John Wayne movie - and Ethan's memorizing a song from his Western CD (can't find the title - will get back to you).
My birthday - an ice cream sundae supper?
First Day of Spring - our second annual spring photo shoot. Each kid gets a disposable camera and photographs signs of spring (not including runny noses). We'll take the newly developed shots from last year and put them in an album. We'll also be at a short outdoor concert and have a picnic lunch.
Good Friday
Possibly a Resurrection Party at a friends. Hot Cross Buns for breakfast. A cross craft. Lots of Bible readings (Brian's off). 3PM quiet hour and blowing out the prayer candle.
Egg hunt and Easter story at a local horse stable, then lunch and egg decorating with friends. Preparations for tomorrow's celebration. Contemplating attending the Great Vigil at a local Reformed Anglican church.
More concrete plans and ideas to come, this is just the beginning...
oh I like that palm tree! Cute!
I like the handprint tree. Cool.
My oldest daughter's birthday is Wed. She will be 11. So fast!
Happy early birthday!!!
I am not quite sure what to say about that green oatmeal and apples. I am sure it tastes so much better than it looks.
Thanks for these ideas! We aren't attending a church right now, long story which I will write about in my blog soon. But I still like to teach Emma about Jesus. We read out of a little Childrens' Bible and sing Bible songs. The other day I was drying her off from her bath and she wrapped up in her towel and said: "I look like Jesus."
Everything looks wonderful, and I'm glad you enjoyed the palm tree craft! :)
~ Dawn
Yeah, that oatmeal was a little weird, but I didn't have time for pancakes, and I didn't have ham for Ethan's suggestion of green eggs and ham, so it worked. Rose balked at first, but it tasted really good , so she got over it. I'd still like to know why I didn't buy, or where I put, those lucky charms!
Dawn - Thanks again! As you can see, your idea was what really made a hit. :^)
Oy, what's that green stuff with chicken??
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