Thursday, April 03, 2008

Newest prayer request manager

I'm always trying out new ways to remember prayer requests. Each new way allows me to remember more requests and remember them better. I still use stickers for specific friends and family, but I've got a new way to remember specific time-stamped requests and also people that I really want to remember on a regular basis. I have yahoo e-mail and I've begun utilizing the calendar that's at the bottom of the inbox page. This is awesome on so many levels. Here's a shortlist:
  1. My inbox window stays up most of the day and is checked regularly anyway.
  2. The events/requests for the day stay listed across the bottom of the page.
  3. The calendar sends me reminder e-mails 20 minutes before a scheduled event.
  4. You can set the event /request to repeat at daily, weekly. monthly, and other shorter and longer intervals automatically.

Now I can remember a bloggy friends' sick daughter specifically on T,Th, Sa and a real life friend with a difficult pregnancy M,W,F. I can remember when Tricia (and she could use your prayers right now, having just received her new lungs!), Gwyneth, or Ashley is having a procedure or when my mom's foot surgery was scheduled. I can remember when a friend is leaving on a flight to pick up their adopted child, and when they are returning home. And when you tell me about something you need prayer for next Tuesday afternoon, I can remember you too!

Give it a try!


Anonymous said...

Great idea! Thanks for the tip! I'll definitely have to try this out!

United Studies said...

I'll have to try this out, too. I have several calendars around the house and still forget things sometimes.