Thank you, Senator DeMint, for continuing to be a man of principle, wisdom, and integrity. We salute you!
September 22, 2008 - Washington D.C. - Today, U.S. Senator Jim DeMint (R-South Carolina) announced his opposition to the $700 billion plan proposed by the Bush Administration to bailout Wall Street. "
After reviewing the Administration's proposed bailout plan, I believe it is completely unacceptable. This plan does nothing to address the misguided government policies that created this mess and it could make matters much worse by socializing an entire sector of the U.S. economy. This plan fails to oversee or regulate the government failures that led to this crisis. Instead it greatly increases the role for Secretary Paulson whose market predictions have been consistently wrong in the last year, and provides corporate welfare for investment firms on Wall Street that don't want to disclose their assets and sell them to private investors for market rates. Most Americans are paying their bills on time and investing responsibly and should not be forced to pay for the reckless actions of some on Wall Street, especially when no one can guarantee this will solve our current problems."
"This plan will not only cause our nation to fall off the debt cliff, it could send the value of the dollar into a free-fall as investors around the world question our ability to repay our debts. It's also very likely that this plan will extend the cycle of bailouts, encouraging other companies to behave in reckless ways that create the need for even more bailouts, triggering an endless run on our treasury. This plan may make things look better for Wall Street in the next couple months, but the long-term consequences to our economy could be disastrous.
"There are much better ways of dealing with this problem than forcing American taxpayers to pay for every asset some investor doesn't want anymore. We should start by reforming government policies and programs that created this mess, including the Federal Reserve's easy money policy, the congressional charters of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, and the Community Reinvestment Act. Then Congress should pass a number of permanent and proven pro-growth reforms to encourage capital formation and boost asset values. We need to make permanent reductions in the corporate tax and the capital gains tax rates. We have the second highest corporate tax rate in the world, which encourages companies to take jobs and investment overseas."
"It's a sad fact, but Americans can no longer trust the economic information they are getting from this Administration. The Administration said the bailout of Bear Stearns would stop the bleeding and solve the problem, but they were wrong. They said $150 billion in new government spending using rebate checks would solve the problem, but they were wrong again. They said new authority to bailout Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac would solve the problem without being used, but they were wrong again. Now they want us to trust them to spend nearly a trillion dollars on more government bailouts. It's completely irresponsible and I cannot support it."
1 comment:
I agree with much of this. I keep hearing how this bailout will "help" homeowners. How? Are they talking about the homeowners who bought a house they couldn't afford? Are they talking about the ones who used "unconventional" financing and are now being bitten in the rear-end by it? Just exactly which homeowners will it help? At the time we bought our home, we were "approved" for much more money than we felt comfortable being on the hook for. Therefore, we very deliberately bought a home we felt we were ABLE to afford. We're not alone in this. People all across the country bought homes they could afford, rather than homes they only wished they could afford. So since we didn't "shoot for the stars" as far as our "dream home" was concerned, does that mean we - as responsible homebuyers - now have to pay for those who weren't? What kind of system is that?
I don't know what the answer is - I know there's one out there, though. I wish our so-called "leaders" would stop with the partisan politics and start with doing what's right for America. If they could see their way clear to do that, I'd be MOST appreciative. :)
P.S. I found your blog thru Ronnika/Tales of a Kansas Girl.
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