Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Thanksgiving Kids Stuff

  1. Printable Thanksgiving memory match cards and lots of other fun activity sheets from Crayola
  2. Pilgrim hat handwriting paper from Notebook Learning
  3. Handprint Thanksgiving Wreath at Amazing Moms - we made a simple one last year with fall-colored construction paper and a paper plate. A raffia bow added a nice touch, and Gran has it up with her other Thanksgiving decor again this year.
  4. The Oklahomea Homeschool site has six Pilgrim/Thanksgiving worksheets that would make a nice little unit notebook. 1,2,3,4,5,6
  5. Colorful activity sheet, Thanksgiving Day Bingo (there's an easier picture version at Crayola's link above), Handprint Turkey - and lots more at Family Fun Thanksgiving Printables
  6. Learn to talk like a Pilgrim at Plimoth Plantation
  7. Beautiful things, including a gorgeous Mayflower from the Toymaker

What are we doing this week? Well...

  1. We're reading lots of Thanksgiving books
  2. Using the Pilgrim section of Draw-Write-Now 3 for art and handwriting, and we'll put them all in a portfolio
  3. We have an old Thanksgiving minipage on turkeys and John James Audubon. Our newspaper doesn't carry the minipage, but my mom mails them to us from her paper. They're so fun to do!
  4. We're working on our Psalm - only three days left - gulp!
  5. We'll be doing lots of fun worksheets from Learning Pages Thanksgiving collections
  6. We watched a neat DVD on Willliam Bradford and have another Thanksgiving video from the library
  7. We'll be printing Thanksgiving bingo and a matching game for Thanksgiving day
  8. We're making crafts from ABEKA's art books, like Pilgrim puppets
  9. We need to dust off "Come, Ye Thankful People, Come", but I keep forgetting :^)

1 comment:

United Studies said...

I'm off to print some printables....