Tuesday, September 29, 2009


  1. Bella got her ears pierced - princess crown earings - Blogger doesn't like pictures today.
  2. I took the kids ice skating for the first time today. Anna Kate picked it up fastest, Rose was doing the best by hour's end, Ethan tried hard. :^)
  3. After raining for two weeks, the weather has turned beautiful - and fallish. Highs in the 70s this week. I spent the rainy week switching out summer and winter clothes - almost done.
  4. Moon names are fascinating and my favorite, the Harvest Moon, is coming up on Sunday.
  5. We're studying history via ABEKA's third grade history book, Our American Heritage this year. It travels a timeline of American history by biography. We covered Christopher Columbus, and are now studying John Smith. Next week is Pocahontas.
  6. If you're studying John Smith or Jamestown this year, On the Trail of John Smith at National Geographic Kids is such a fun online resource! Animated, narrated videos and interactive games are a great way to remember history.
  7. I asked Rose what she wanted for Christmas last night. She wants a pink rubber band.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

First Day of Fall

        Watch this

        Make this or this

        Try this

        Color this

        Draw this

        Wear this

        Write on this

        Happy Autumn!

        graphics courtesy of akidsheart.com

        Saturday, September 12, 2009


        Rosie the Earlybird: Mom, will you get up and make me something to eat? I'm hungry. (She says this many mornings.)

        Me: Sure, Rose, just give me a minute.

        Rose: I put forks on the table, so we need to eat something forky. Like waffles!

        A bit later:

        Rose: Do you have any powers, Daddy?

        Daddy: Am I Superdad?

        Rose: You have the power to make waffles!

        Friday, September 11, 2009

        Beach Pics

        Okay folks, so I took 345 pictures, not counting the lousy ones I deleted.
        Here are some favorites.

        Check out those glasses -
        it's the last time you'll see them -
        good thing we had a very nice spare pair. :^)

        Rosie's Beach Cake

        Ethan was thrilled to find this rope at the pier.

        The "pirate ship"
        We think it was hunting the hippopotamus
        Rosie saw in the waterway.

        Rosie's Ocean Dance

        Do you see the crab?

        the candy shop
        crab legs, baby!

        Bella loved watching the tide -
        it was so hard to get her picture!

        A stop at the fishing pier before heading home