One of our favorite Christmas traditions is having
a birthday party for Jesus.
We'd done a pageant a few years ago, before she can remember,
but it was that Rose angel in the middle that just had to act
out this story - and she wanted to be an angel - the one
above the manger, to be exact.
The outifts are made from clearance ($2!) fleece blankets
from Walmart and since there were no white blankets -
plastic tablecloths and gold garland from the Dollar Tree.
With a few belts and scarves thrown in, of course.
Everyone agreed that the perfect Mary was dark haired and lovely.
Ethan, however, was a little less enthusiastic about being
Joseph. I think he was afraid of all the "married" jokes
that his sister might inflict upon him.
The children all insisted that Bella be the baby, even thought she's
not "quite" a newborn - and the wrong gender for the role.
She really didn't want to lie in the manger - she was much more
interested in crawling around.
I thought the cake was pretty, but I'm never sure what to
do about the candle, and I never think about
that ahead of time. It is tradition, though, for
all of the children to blow it out together.
They also enjoyed a beaded wreath craft,
watching "Small One", a hot potato-like gift passing
game with a gift that was wrapped several times and
contained party favors, and Christmas charades.