Dear Rosie,
I'm a couple of days late with this - but it's not nearly as late as Bella's. I was sick on her birthday and we slept at Gran's on yours because our water had to be turned off, so neither was written on the birthday night as planned. But what a birthday you had!
You couldn't wait to be five. The night before your birthday, curlers in your hair, you prayed, "Dear God, please make it my birthday
now!" You woke up giddy to the balloon streamers hanging from your doorway and the presents on the piano bench, and your siblings we're nearly as excited as you. You dressed all up in your favorite foofy pink dress with lace overlay, new headband with big pink flower, new rose jewelry with sparkly stones and new "sparkly" pink flip-flops to head to church. And then the Little Mermaid party with the sand castle cake...but that's another story.
You are the sweetest thing (99% of the time at least :^). We still sit and just watch you or listen to you because you're so sweet and so cute. A few letters still lisp, but you're definitely growing up. You love to learn and are really turning into a good reader - you're so smart!
You love to dance. Your ballet recital was a red letter day this year again, and you love all of your friends. You love your friends at church too. Switching churches was a little hard for you, you were sad to leave your friends there, but I know that you'll have bunches of new ones soon.
You love to draw and write. You can pretty much take spelled dictation, and enjoy writing both your first and last names.
You love your Barbies and silly bands and Polly Pockets and all of your colored teddy bears that you sleep with - red Jella, green Jello, purple Blueberry, and what's the pink one's name?
You love to dress up and be girly. We haven't seen as many princess dresses from the dress up box (mostly because they're too scratchy, I think), but you like to dress beautifully and accessorize. You love to get into make-up too - but you're too little for that!! But you do a great job of putting in your own ponytails and choosing matching headbands and inventing elaborate hair-dos for yourself.
You love your Bella to death, but almost literally sometimes. I've spent all year telling you to put her down, but you love each other. You love to do things with the big kids and had to have your own version of whatever they did this year from math to writing to lapbooks. I'm glad you're going to an official student this year.
Anna Kate was baptized this year and you immediately wanted to know when you could be baptized because you believed too - and you were so excited when it was your turn.
You have a stubborn streak and a temper that's been peaking out some this year - we're gonna nip those in the bud. :^) Because, and I know I've said this already, but, really, you are the sweetest thing.
You are a great snuggler and the one who always lobbies for a bedtime book - even when it's too late. And it needs to have pictures. And it needs to be one that you've never read before. You finally get to get your own library card (you've been using an extra of Daddy's for a couple of years now), and I know you're going to be thrilled. You enjoy picking out your own books. Even if they are Christmas books in July.
You've been a big performer this year. It started with Taylor Swifts wonderful Love Story video and continued with dance and ballet performances and Hannah Montana imitiations (we've managed to "forget" all about watching her anymore - whew!) The funniest imitation you did was singing a Taylor Swift song and hanging you head down, then flipping you hair back just like she does - you had me in stitches. But you and Anna Kate were always having to do a show this year.
You've joined the dog lobby, I'm beginning to think I might lose this fight. A sweet dog wandered into our yard for a day, and you were smitten. You rescued a tree frog and let him loose at the neighbor's little garden pond.
And while you still love your PBJ and chocolate milk, you really are getting much less picky. The food wars are calming down and you eat a lot more things, as long as they're not too "spicy." Your favorite meal is those frozen barbecue pork riblets. Funny girl.
I'm falling asleep writing this late night letter. I could go on forever about you. You are my favorite Rose. From the moment they said you were a girl, I have been so glad that you were
my girl. I am so blessed to be your mommy. You are so special and so very precious to me.
All my love,