Thursday, June 21, 2012


So many beautiful blessings, some bigger than others.

  • Good friends.  The kind you build a life with.  The kind that make your life better for being there.
  • A second set of baby birds in a second nest right outside the front door.  I put a new small feeder out with seeds they like and washed and rehung the bird bath near their nest.  Maybe that will help the parents be a bit less frazzled.  The nest is too high up for anyone to see into, but Brian lifted Rosie to see them yesterday right after they were born.  I asked if they were cute, and she said, not really. :)  They were naked with their eyes still closed and just a tuft of feather on their heads.
  • Christian radio.  I only listen to it in the car, and then only sometimes.  They seem to get stuck in song ruts that can last for years, but I'm happy to report that this new crop of songs has been blessing after blessing.
  • Cherry tomatoes.  Bella's been eating them off the vine in her froggy sandbox-turned-garden.
  • Fairy camp.  Rose has been enjoying creating a fairy garden this week.  I can't wait to see it tomorrow. :)

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