Tuesday, January 30, 2007
Ethan's Birthday Pics
The Teaching Home
5 Ways To Avoid Infection
1. Teach Your Children about Germs
- Teach about germs and how they are transfered by air, fluids, and blood.
- Use a textbook, an encyclopedia, or the Internet.
Set of 7 teaching pages.
Learning activities and lesson plans.
Lesson plans for grades Pre-K through 6.
For Older Students:Infectious Disease Workshop contains extensive information and learning activities.
2. Sharing Infectious Agents
Children are adept at picking up and spreading germs. Teach them how to avoid this at all times, but especially when someone in your home is ill or you are out in public where many unknown and very harmful diseases abound.
- Cover skin abrasions and cuts.
- Don't touch the face, especially eyes, nose, and mouth.
- When ill, it is courteous to avoid contact with others so that you don't spread your cold or flu, even if it means missing something you really want to do.
Also, when you are ill and your immune system is weakened, it is easier for you to pick up another, and perhaps worse, illness if you are exposed to crowds and others who are sick
3. Establish Hand Washing Rules and Habits
The simplest and most effective thing that you can do to keep from getting sick yourself, or spreading your sickness to others, is to wash your hands well and often.
How To Wash
- Wet hands with warm water and ordinary soap.
- When you don't have access to soap and water, use non-alcohol baby wipes. Use of antibacterial soap can promote growth of more virulent germs and viruses.
- Teach your children to scrub all parts of their hands for 20 seconds. (You could teach them a hand-washing song that lasts that long to sing.) Handwashing curriculum.
- Dry hands well. In a public restroom, turn off tap with a paper towel or back of wrist, and open door with a paper towel or a corner of clothing.
When To Wash
- Wash hands immediately upon returning home after being out in public or playing outside.
- Wash hands before preparing food, eating, or handling clean dishes.
- Wash after using the toilet, changing diapers, sneezing, coughing, blowing nose, and eating.Poster showing how to cough, sneeze, and wash hands.Hand washing poster #1, #2, and #3.
For Older Students:
Chemistry: How soap works
History: Why handwashing is important
4. General Hygiene
It is important to practice good hygiene principles and routines at all times, as you or others may be contagious a day before symptoms of illness are evident. Explain to your children that, although they may not see germs, they are present and can make them sick. Connect hygiene to illness by reminding them of the last time they were ill. The memory may be powerful enough to convince them of the importance of hygiene.
- Don't share drinking and eating utensils, food that has been handled or partially eaten by others, or toothbrushes.
- When someone in your family is sick, don't even share books, games, and toys.
- Brush teeth and tongue, and rinse your toothbrush in mouthwash or vinegar between brushings to kill bacteria.
- Close toilet lid before flushing so germs cannot spray toothbrushes or other surfaces.
- Put dirty clothing or linens into the laundry right away and wash them with regular detergent.
5. Clean Your Home
Clean your home regularly, and more when colds and flu are going around.
- Disinfect carefully with a solution of bleach and water or use baking soda to clean surfaces.
- Also reduce exposure to dust, smoke, and other chemical irritants (such as cleaning compounds) in your home.
- Open windows and bring fresh air into your home occasionally, even in winter.
by Cindy Short and Sue Welch
Copyright 2006 by www.TeachingHome.com. Reprinted by permission
Monday, January 29, 2007
Homeschooling this week
Memory Work: Review week
- Genesis 1:1-5
- Luke 2:1-14
- Psalm 100
- Psalm 150
- The Lord's Prayer
- John 1:1-14
- John 3:16-19
Poem: Review week
- "Trees" by Joyce Kilmer
- "A Thank You Prayer"
- "My Shadow" by R.L. Stephenson
- "This is My Bible"
Songs: Review week
- "This Is My Father's World"
- "Obedience"
- "How Great Is Our God"
Bible/Devotional reading :
- Genesis 21-26(30) (working on this a chapter or two a night)
- Leading Little Ones to God (Schoolland)
- The White Ram : A Story of Abraham and Isaac (Gerstein)
- The Binding of Isaac (Cohen)
- The Wicked City (Singer)
- The Story of Isaac and Rebeckah (Davidson)
Books to read:
- Magic Tree House Research Guide: Space (Osborne)
- Henry and Mudge books (Rylant)
- When Washington Crossed the Delaware (Cheney)
- Let It Begin Here! : Lexington and Concord (Fradin)
- Your Big Backyard - January 2007
- Your Big Backyard - February 2007
- A Mother's Journey (Markle)
- The Bravest Dog Ever: The True Story of Balto (Standiford)
- Valentine storybooks
Videos to watch:
- March of the Penguins
- Elementary Spanish : Volume 1
- Balto II : Wolf Quest (we somehow ended up with the Spanish version!)
- DK Eyewitness : Planets
- Abraham(is going to require a pre-viewing - started out with a women in hard labor - my kids still think babies"pop" out!)
- In the Beginning
- Abraham and Isaac
- Noah's Ark
- Winter Scavenger Hunt : buds, insects that are "sleeping," animal tracks, old bird nest, berries, pinecone, squirrel nest, ice or icicles (from Your Big Backyard, January 2007)
- Finish alphabet book - all but the really weird letters,anyway
- Finish snowman craft
- Finish Birthday journal
- Groundhog Day celebration
Well, that's the plan, anyway, we'll see how far we get!
Sunday, January 28, 2007
Cherry Cheesecake Milkshake
Thursday, January 25, 2007
Calling all Mommies in need of encouragement
It's the stomach virus
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
Blogs for life
- One of the greatest national tragedies to ever befall us at Biblical Womanhood
- When Is Abortion Racism? at Desiring God (John Piper's sermon of the week, not exactly a blog, but it fit the theme...)
- Nick Cannon: Can I Live at The Rebelution
- Sober Thoughts Today at Life in a shoe
What's the best mattress?
And now, on to a prayer request. I'm coordinating a funeral dinner for 120 people tomorrow. Please pray for the Greene family. The grandfather went to be with the Lord and joined his 5 year old granddaughter who passed away suddenly in November. This family needs lifted up. And I humbly request your prayers for me as well. A nerve is trying to get pinched in my back and when it does, I can't stand up straight or lift things. It's been fleeting in that effect so far, but getting worse overall. So pray that it doesn't do anything weird tomorrow at least. Thanks, friends!
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
How sacred is the life of the unborn?
WARNING: The following video is VERY GRAPHIC and should not be viewed by children.
Abortion: The Facts
Sunday, January 21, 2007
Read Aloud and Memory Work This Week
I'm posting this partly since I have all of the memory work printable on one sheet and partly to keep me motivated to plan and keep up with it all. We've done pretty well with our Bible reading, but our memory work hasn't been getting done lately because I haven't been planning it in advance properly. So I'm going to try to post it every week to help me think it through and stay motivated.
Bible/Devotional reading:
- Genesis 16-25
- Leading Little Ones to God (Schoolland), chs. 72-76
Chapter book:
- Baby Island by Carol Ryrie Brink
Other books:
- Kingfisher Young Knowledge: Solar System (Goldsmith)
- Worldwise: Space (Stott)
- Escape North! The Story of Harriet Tubman (Kulling)
- Young Abe Lincoln: The Frontier Days, 1809-1837 (Harness)
- Abe Lincoln Goes To Washington 1837-1865 (Harness)
Scripture memory:
Genesis 1:2-5 (ESV)
2The earth was without form and void, and darkness was over the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters.
3And God said, "Let there be light," and there was light.
4And God saw that the light was good. And God separated the light from the darkness.
5God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And there was evening and there was morning, the first day.
Poem of the Week:
I think that I shall never see A poem lovely as a tree.
A tree whose hungry mouth is prest
Against the sweet earth's flowing breast;
A tree that looks at God all day,
And lifts her leafy arms to pray;
A tree that may in summer wear
A nest of robins in her hair;
Upon whose bosom snow has lain;
Who intimately lives with rain.
Poems are made by fools like me,
But only God can make a tree.
Song of the Week:
"This Is My Father's World"
This is my Father’s world, and to my listening ears All nature sings, and round me rings the music of the spheres. This is my Father’s world: I rest me in the thought Of rocks and trees, of skies and seas; His hand the wonders wrought.
This is my Father’s world, the birds their carols raise, The morning light, the lily white, declare their Maker’s praise. This is my Father’s world: He shines in all that’s fair; In the rustling grass I hear Him pass; He speaks to me everywhere.
Words by Maltbie D. Babcock
Saturday, January 20, 2007
Christmas memories
Anna Kate urging Uncle Gary forward
Five things to do this weekend
- Pray for snow. (I know some of you are praying for the snow to melt, but you can pray for God to send it to me instead. Besides were looking at an ice storm, and snow is so much better!)
- Write a thank you note, not for an actual gift received, but for someone's time, friendship, or service to you. Write the thank you note that doesn't have to be written, to the person in your life that has really encouraged you. If you're really stumped, try starting with your church pianist, janitor, or secretary.
- Oganize your recipes. If you're anything like me, you have a lot of recipes that sounded great, got clipped out and stuck in a folder, and may never get used becuase you can't find the right one at the right time.
- Pick up some eyedrops at the pharmacy. Yep, this is a prayer request, Brian has infection in his eyes again. Please pray that it clears up fast!
- Fill your bird feeders.
Healthy Vegetable Recipes
But I'm looking for some new ways to eat veggies. It seems like most vegetable recipes have a lot of fat (butter, sour cream, cheese), have some kind of wheat ingredient (bread crumbs, cream soups, crackers), or look like something my kids would never eat. I've tried some roasted squash recipes, that, frankly, weren't that great. I really need some help here. So if you've got a great vegetable recipe that your whole family enjoys, then please, please share it!
Just a note to those of you wondering, Brian has still done well with dairy, so I can use recipes with lowfat dairy, but we can't eat gluten, found in wheat, rye, barley, and most processed foods.
Friday, January 19, 2007
Are your hands dried out this winter?
But I now introduce to you my skin saver : Sunlight Ultra Sensitive Skin. Best stuff on the market. You know how Palmolive is supposed to be gentle? It gives me detergent burns. But I wash my hands all day with this in the kitchen and it actually makes awesome suds for dishes too ( not like some of those soft detergents that leave you going,"Where's the bubbles?"). I had to share, because someone out there still has the stinging hands I had a month ago. Hands too sore to even knock on a door. If that's you, try this stuff!
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
Sometimes you just have to get your money back!
I'm the one my friends and family know can talk people into giving me my money back for stuff. I really think that most people just don't try. But money doesn't grow on trees, and I refuse to be burnt by someone's bad products or service. On the other hand, I'm also far more likely than most people I know to go out of my way to thank people for good products or service. It's just good business. The business of running a home.
For example, a part went out on my dryer one month after the warranty expired, and I was nine months pregnant. They wanted to tell me that this was just too bad, but they were not going to get off that easily. Through eliminiation (dryers really don't have that many parts), it was obvious that a major part had gone bad. A part that, by their own admission, should not have gone bad for around ten years. Simple deduction: the part was defective. And they thought that I should be responsible for paying their technician for a new part to be installed. I DON"T THINK SO. Just because it didn't break a month ago, didn't mean it wasn't bad. What if I had had six kids already? It surely would have given up within that year then, right? Eventually I paid a $40 service fee and they covered the rest and gave me an additional 1 year warranty. The dryer's been great ever since. And do you know what? I would buy their dryer again next time now.
Toys are another big area in which you can lose a lot of money. My son took his birthday money and bought two similar toys at $15 a piece. He was thrilled with them. Until the first one broke and the second one wouldn't stay together one week later. I probably could have returned them to Walmart, but I hate to do that when it's not Walmart's fault. I have found that most major toy companies aim to please, and Hasbro absolutely outdid themselves. They sent me a prepaid label to ship them back for evaluation, asked if I would like to have them replaced with the same thing or something of equal value, and actually told me that I could write the item numbers for substitute choices on the return slip. It ended up that we wrote several items down with a note that this one particular Star Wars toy was what he had really wanted for his birthday, but it was completely sold out even before Christmas (his birthday is at the beginning of January). I mean this toy was gone from the market except fot a few collectors sites that had it for $200 instead of the original $30. Well, we got a package back from them expecting Hungry, Hungry Hippos, but it was instead, you guessed it - the Millenium Falcon!
Even bills can be helped by a polite conversation with a customer service rep. I always pay our credit card in full, but one month, I got online a day (really just a couple of hours) late. I was sick to my stomach. Late fee, interest.... I had nothing to lose. And the customer service lady just adjusted the date for me as sweetly as could be, and I was fine again.
So don't just give up on stuff. You can be polite, but persistent. Here are some tips. Some I've learned on my own, some from my brother (who actually goes way beyond what I would ever ask for, but has me laughing hysterically and scolding him at the same time. And he does get what he asks for).
- Ask for the person's name, write it down for future reference, and call the person by name when you're talking to them. If you are getting a serious run around (like the five month run around my mother-in-law got from a furniture company whose furniture she had under extended warranty, but they wouldn't replace) you can let the person know that you will let the next guy up know if they were helpful or not.
- Work your way up. There are a lot of things a customer service rep "just can't do" for you, but her manger or his manager most certainly can.
- Always be calm and polite. You can get a lot farther by kindly explaining that you need their help than you do by issuing threats. (Although, my brother once actually threatened to take out newspaper ads in the company's home town, and swears it was effective - but I wouldn't recommend it! :^)
- Don't assume that it's too late. If you feel that you've gotten a bad product, most companies will work with you. They want to keep their good name and your business. Try saying, "isn't it your goal to have satisfied customers? (yes) I am not a satisfied customer!" I had an infant toy that was used with Ethan for about a month or two, then packed away for two years until Anna Kate was ready to use it. But it would no longer keep it's shape and hold the little toys up; I was going to have to replace it. I decided to give Fisher Price a call (they are the best company to work with!). They couldn't replace it fully, but they did prorate it, which gave me back around 70% of what I paid - and I bought another Fisher Price toy.
- Don't forget to call about the good things too. I often call food companies, in particular, to thank them for a great product. They sometimes just stutter in shock and amazement, but sometimes they actually send me coupons or sign me up for a newletter. And I'll hold a long time just to let someone's superior know that they really went out of their way to help me out, even after someone else had told me that they couldn't do anything.
From a Reformed perspective, why do evangelism?
This is the question Eric answered last week in for the Irish Calvinist's Q&A Friday. He quotes Spurgeon who (of course) says is better like this, “If God would have painted a yellow stripe on the backs of the elect I would go around lifting shirts. But since He didn’t I must preach `whosoever will’ and when `whosoever’ believes I know he is one of the elect.”
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
Election Update
Let me backtrack a bit. My Pappy (my maternal grandfather) was probably my favorite, most loved person in the world. I was his first grandchild, and the only one for six years until my brother was born. I was his "baby." My Grandma still calls me that. I prayed for him to be saved every day for as long as I can remember. Then one Sunday morning, when I was ten years old, he had a massive heart attack. He died. I had prayed for my daddy to be saved, and when I was three, he gave his life to Christ and soon was called to preach. I prayed for my aunt to be saved, and when I was seven, she received Christ. I prayed for my Pap to be saved... and he died... and went to hell. And I can't say or think that 20 years later without sobbing.
So this election thing bothered me. It bothered me that he could go to hell period. Because he wasn't just some nebulous "someone who rejected Christ." But worse still, could God elect some people and not others? Why not him? This was personal. Intensely personal. And the dialogue of my thoughts bordered on blasphemous. How could God do this? How could it be right? And yet at the same time I was so grateful for what He has done for me. And I knew that God's thoughts are high above our thoughts.
So, there were times that I was so overwhelmed by God and who He is, that my questions suddenly paled in comparison. And there were many more times that I simply pushed those thoughts back away, into their little corner, because I still couldn't figure it out.
Now don't think that I have it all figured out now. But a few things have become crystal clear to me.
Several posts at the Irish Calvinist dealing with election and limited atonement gave me yet another opportunity to work through these things. And Eric was ready to give Biblical answers to any questions I brought up. I also recently worked through what a truly biblical view of assurance of salvation was. And I was also confronted with an angle of this isssue in the Way of the Master evangelism Sunday school class at church. So it was time to once again try to reconcile the God I love with His ways that I cannot understand.
Then my brother was arrested again and went back to prison. He knows so much about God. He has a level of discernment in theology that just blows your mind when you try to put it together with a life that is obviously not the life of one who is attached to The Vine. In the midst of the pain his actions and continued lack of submission to His Creator caused my family, God spoke to me. I shared it with you then, but I didn't realize the ripple of impact it would have in my own heart:
God will always get glory from whatever happens. We just have to adjust our thinking. Even in terms of the eternal destinies of those we love most. My new prayer became, "God make my desire to see you be glorified more important than anything I feel, or anyone that I love."
And that really was the key all along. Do I want God's truth or Alicia's truth? Do I want God to be glorified, or do I simply want what I want? I had had a sneaking suspicion that if I really loved God more than I loved these people that I've loved and held here on earth, I would have a better perspective. God's glory is the most important thing. Jesus said, "Whoever loves father or mother more than me is not worthy of me, and whoever loves son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me." Make my desire to see you be glorified more important than anything I feel, or anyone I love.
Once I put my issues aside and opened my heart to what the Scipture was saying I was able to grasp the complete depravity and hopelessness of fallen man. The free will is there, but we would never choose him without Divine intervention. We would choose our own way. Yet He chose us before the foundations of the world. For his glory. Soli Deo Gloria!
By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another."
As a side note, I'm so excited to have finally been motivated enough to figure out how to add these buttons to my posts, maybe now I'll look like a "real" blogger. :^)
Tuesday, Craft Day
I like seasonal and holiday activities. Today we're doing winter crafts.
- Paper snowflakes - I think we'll have to stick these on the glass deck doors.
- Marshmallow snowmen - I know more will be eaten than crafted
- Dress-up snowman magnet pieces. - I'm going to mount the black and white templates here on heavy paper, have the kids color them and cut them out, then glue magnet strips (from all of those advertising magnets that come stuck to things) on the back.
- Decorate your own mittens. - We're going to try out Ethan's new glitter pens on the "My Mittens" page at crayola.com
Monday, January 15, 2007
MLK funny
Anyway, on to the funny part. While I was searching for a recording of the "I Have a Dream" speech, I stopped at The King Center website where a section of his sermon-speech "The Drum Major Instinct" begins playing when the site comes up. You can click on it in a new window to get the full effect. As Dr. King's voice orates,
"You don't have to have a college degree to serve.
You don't have to make your subject and your verb agree to serve.
You don't have to know about Plato and Aristotle to serve.
You don't have to know Einstein's theory of relativity to serve.
You don't have to know the second theory of thermodynamics in physics to serve."
Anna Kate intones, "Breakfast is served!"
Sunday, January 14, 2007
Give him a break!
Hymn of the Week
Here is Love
Here is love, vast as the ocean,
Lovingkindness as the flood,
When the Prince of Life, our Ransom,
Shed for us His precious blood.
Who His love will not remember?
Who can cease to sing His praise?
He can never be forgotten,
Throughout Heav’n’s eternal days.
On the mount of crucifixion,
Fountains opened deep and wide;
Through the floodgates of God’s mercy
Flowed a vast and gracious tide.
Grace and love, like mighty rivers,
Poured incessant from above,
And Heav’n’s peace and perfect justice
Kissed a guilty world in love.
Let me all Thy love accepting,
Love Thee, ever all my days;
Let me seek Thy kingdom only
And my life be to Thy praise;
Thou alone shalt be my glory,
Nothing in the world I see.
Thou hast cleansed and sanctified me,
Thou Thyself hast set me free.
In Thy truth Thou dost direct me
By Thy Spirit through Thy Word;
And Thy grace my need is meeting,
As I trust in Thee, my Lord.
Of Thy fullness Thou art pouring
Thy great love and power on me,
Without measure, full and boundless,
Drawing out my heart to Thee.
Words: William Rees (1802-1883),verses 1-2; William Williams possibly wrote verses 3-4
Friday, January 12, 2007
Another prayer request
Tuesday, January 09, 2007
New Every Morning
23 They are new every morning:
25 The LORD is good unto them that wait for him,
26 It is good that a man should both hope
32 But though he cause grief,
41 Let us lift up our heart with our hands
56 Thou hast heard my voice:
57 Thou drewest near in the day that I called upon thee:
58 O LORD, thou hast pleaded the causes of my soul;
Monday, January 08, 2007
Hymn of the Week
Arise, My Soul, Arise
Arise, my soul, arise; shake off thy guilty fears;
The bleeding sacrifice in my behalf appears:
Before the throne my surety stands,
Before the throne my surety stands,
My name is written on His hands.
He ever lives above, for me to intercede;
His all redeeming love, His precious blood, to plead:
His blood atoned for all our race,
His blood atoned for all our race,
And sprinkles now the throne of grace.
Five bleeding wounds He bears; received on Calvary;
They pour effectual prayers; they strongly plead for me:
“Forgive him, O forgive,” they cry,
“Forgive him, O forgive,” they cry,
“Nor let that ransomed sinner die!”
The Father hears Him pray, His dear anointed One;
He cannot turn away, the presence of His Son;
His Spirit answers to the blood,
His Spirit answers to the blood,
And tells me I am born of God.
My God is reconciled; His pardoning voice I hear;
He owns me for His child; I can no longer fear:
With confidence I now draw nigh,
With confidence I now draw nigh,
And “Father, Abba, Father,” cry.
Words:Charles Wesley
Music: Lewis Edson
About Me
Four Things about me you might not have known.
1. I am the oldest of seven children, and I am six years older than my next sibling.
2. I've always wanted to live out West, in theory, at least
3. I almost never get sick except when I'm pregnant - then I more than make up for it
4. I have hundreds, probably over a thousand, books in my house and I love every one of them. (And those are just mine, not counting Brian's or the rotating boxes of children's books or the books on the kids bookshelves....)
Four jobs I have had in my life:
1. Choir director
2. pizza maker
3. tour guide
4. accompanist
Four movies you would watch over and over:
1. Romeo and Juliet
2. Pride & Prejudice
3. The Sound of Music
4. Much Ado about Nothing
Four TV shows you love to watch:
2. 24
3. Prison Break
4. The Unit
Four places you have been on vacation
1. San Antonio
2. New Orleans
3. Marco Island
4. Steamboat Springs
Four of my favorite foods:
1. Chocolate
2. Mocha lattes
3. Danishes
4. Pasta
Four places I would rather be right now:
1. In Europe, especially Austria or Tuscany
2. Home in PA
3. With a friend (everyone's asleep and frankly, I'm a bit lonely; we've been isolated by illness for weeks, with occasional breaks)
4. Out west, preferably Colorado or Montana
Sunday, January 07, 2007
Happy Birthday,Ethan!
Saturday, January 06, 2007
Five things to do this weekend
- Finish packing away the Christmas decorations. I'm pretending that I'm not the only one who hasn't done this yet. I'm also pretending that I'm actually going to pull this off this weekend, but maybe I'll get an E for effort.
- Write a letter of encouragement, or call a friend that needs encouraged. I'll be writing to my brother in prison, as I try to do almost every day. And I'll be calling a girlfriend several states away to listen to her and to listen to God, begging Him for the wisdom to know how to encourage and when to keep listening. It's humbling to not know the answers, but comforting to know that Someone does.
- Hang a calendar for each of your kids. I get each of my children their own calendar, hang it in their room, and use it to write down things that they say or do, just like a baby calendar. It's less effort than a journal, but I still have a record.
- Make some homemade mixes. I need to mix up a batch of gluten-free Bisquick, a dry cream soup base, and some gluten-free corn muffin mix.
- Send out your remaining Christmas thank you notes. I have an old card maker from when I was a girl. The kind where you choose the plates, put a piece of paper over them, and then rub them with a crayon. The kids love it. Of course, the internet also has a limitless supply of great (free) printable thank yous too. These are really cute.
I want to invent a medicine machine
It would just be so nice if you could get only a cough suppresant and decongestant when that's all that you want. And then add in acetaminophen or ibuprofen and an expectorant when you want that too. All in the really good grape flavor.
Well, that would be my perfect world of medicine shopping. Of course I would rather not be buying medicine at all.
In the meantime, try Delsyn, the 12 hour cough suppresant. It works really well, comes as a single ingredient drug (a big plus in my book), and tastes good.
Is your car seat really safe?
Well, Consumer Reports tested infant seats at higher speeds ( I think only up to 38 mph) and did a side crash test. The results were not pretty. They even recommended that the Evenflo Discovery be taken off the market because it flew off its base even at the federally mandated speed. Several seats twisted or flew off their bases! I'm apalled. Does the average parent know this? I'm spreading the word.
According to Consumer Reports, "Of 12 infant seats we tested, only 2 performed well: the Baby Trend Flex-Loc and the Graco SnugRide with EPS. " Their testing also found continued problems with the LATCH system. It appears that securing carsets with the regular seatbelts may be the safer approach.
And I still would like to know what happens at even 50 mph. Don't you think it might at least be prudent to record the effectiveness of various carseats as a required part of accident reports? This data could help identify particularly weak carseats.
Friday, January 05, 2007
How to Fight for Joy
Dairy's BACK!
Thursday, January 04, 2007
Happy New Year!
We did have a good Christmas, but my family has been passing stuff around for over four weeks now, and my family in PA was doing the same thing. For those of you who don't know me personally, I don't get sick very often. If I call the doctor, they have to look in their old records. I do get HORRIBLE morning sickness that lasts forever, but very rarely get anything else. Especially colds, and I can't remember ever having the flu. My husband is my direct opposite. He has fibromyalgia and has frequent pain, headaches,etc., and he catches everything too. Our kids are somewhere in between. So, when we left, Ethan had a lingering cough, and Rose was just getting it (Anna Kate had gotten it and recovered quickly already.) Rose had a mild fever pretty much the whole time we were there and spiked a 102 degree temperature for a couple of days, and nearly everyone else staying at my parents' home got some version of this cold/flu/sore throat/cough thing too. So we enjoyed spending time with my family, but didn't get out very much. Brian came down with it on New Year's Day - the day we had to drive all day to get back home. I know that he felt reeaallly bad because he let me drive the WHOLE way home. (Understand, he doesn't mind my driving, but I rarely drive more than an hour of a ten hour drive - it's one of those "taking care of me" things he wants to do himself. And I appreciate it. Interstate driving is not my cup of tea.) But we made very good time after a very late start. Brian was home from work on the 2nd, he went yesterday and today, but is still feeling pretty awful. Rosie, I think, has finally gotten to feeling better. I really like when kids get old enough to communicate details. And Ethan's cough has finally disappeared. Did I mention that I still need to go to the grocery store, and that Ethan's birthday is Sunday and I haven't planned a thing because I didn't know if anyone would be well? Yeah, we're starting the new year Byars' style. :^)
So. I've decided two things. First, I think I have unfulfilled perfectionist tendencies. As in, I try very hard to have things go perfectly or be perfect, but they virtually never live up to my expectations. Example: I didn't pick up my blog right away because I wanted a good "first post" of the year. But at the rate I was going it was going to be February.
And second, maybe I should have stuck with my unfulfilled perfectionist tendencies, because this post is way too rambling.
Hope you all are WELL this new year. I noticed that Walmart's cough syrup supply was dwindling.