Saturday, August 25, 2007

Preschool DVDs

For her Opinion Saturday this week Mary at Owlhaven asked what DVD’s and children’s shows you feel are worthwhile for preschoolers. Here is my response. You can add yours here. Let me know if you leave her a response so that I can read it too!

My children LOVE Miss Pattycake DVDs from Integrity Music. She is a perky lady with a bright green jumper and funky hats that loves to sing songs and share the gospel in a way that toddlers adore and understand. When my firstborn was just 27 months old he could explain the true meaning of Easter thanks to this lady's explanation of it in "Egg-Strava-Ganza!" Anyone who can accomplish that in such an engaging way has my thanks. We got to see her live last September and my 5, 3, and 1 year old were all thrilled. My fourteen month old refused to leave her lap during picture time! She woke up every morning asking for "Pat." Check out her website

We also enjoy Praise Baby for young toddlers and Cedarmont Kids music videos for older toddlers and preschoolers, as well as the Beginners Bible video series. no list would be complete without Steve Green's Hide 'Em In Your Heart and my kids also love the Donut Man. There you have it. My list of preschool gems.

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

If only I had known about Miss Pattycake sooner! She is Betsie's hero...and a lifesaver for me. ;)
