Monday, September 10, 2007

Patriot Day

We have a tradition that we've done every year since the first anniversary of September 11. We bake cookies and take them to our local fire department. I seriously thought that we would be one of many, especially the first year. But, oddly enough, we seem to be the only ones that remember the date in this way. This year some friends are joining us. I called ahead to be sure the extra people wouldn't be a bother. But, really, when you call to tell firefighters that your bringing cookies, you really don't have much to worry about. I mean, firemen are the nicest people in the world to begin with and when you add food to the mix...

Maybe some of you will join us in our tradition. It just made sense to me to thank the people that would just as willingly risk their lives for my family if such a thing had happened here. Oh, and don't forget to fly your flag.

Resources - not all of these are intended for children:

  1. Presidential proclamation of September 11 as Patriot Day
  2. "We Remember" writing paper
  3. "Remember" pencil flag and window flag
  4. A ribbon to color yellow, cut out, and hang
  5. Remembering September 11th-Activities and Crafts For The Classroom
  6. More Links and activities at Raising Our Kids
  7. Last year's Presidential Prayer Team for Kids newsletter
  8. National Geographic Kids multimedia "We Survived September 11" - the fourth grade class from the school four blocks from the WTC.
  9. National Museum of American History's September 11 collection
  10. September 11 digital archive

What do you do to remember?


Anonymous said...

I remember dancing around the living room celebrating Ms. Firecracker's 1st birthday when my mom called me and told me to put it on the news- Now! I tuned in just as the second plane hit. It was horrible.

Hannah Marie said...

I remember feeling helpless and alone even though I was surrounded by thousands of other college students. All I could do was cry and pray.