I've set two new traps today. They'd better catch that mouse. I try to be a humane person. I even tried a live trap (they've worked before). But I'm warning that mouse. If those traps don't humanely end his life soon, I'm going to resort to those horrendous glue traps. And I'm going to try not to feel guilty about it.
I was telling a friend about my problem (after I screamed "Get out! I HATE YOU!!" in her ear while I was on the phone with her because that stupid mouse ran past), and she told me that her brother-in-law had used a glue trap and didn't know how to kill the mouse, so he took it out and tried running over it with his car. But, of course, the trap stuck to his tire and every time he drove, it bumped...
Meanwhile, Anna Kate's imploring, "No, Mommy, don't kill it. I want it for a pet."
That last bit made me laugh out loud. We haven't had a mouse in our house before, but Karl tells me that when he and his siblings were kids it was their job to check the traps. They even found a nest of hairless babies one time! Yuck!!!!! Anyway, it was summer so their neighbor took them outside and threw them up on the his tin roof to listen to them sizzle. I think running over it with the car would be a little less brutal.
We had mice in an apartment we lived in while my dh was in grad school. I had a baby then and visions from "Lady and the Tramp" kept running through my head... you know where the rat perches oh-so-threateningly on the crib railing? **shudders** I was so glad when we moved!
Oh, man! I hear ya! I could send Mary Evelyn over...she catches everything. Sigh...
Glad to hear your Christmas was nice, except of course for this new creature.
Yu have my sympathy.....two years ago a pregnant mouse and several of her friends make a home in our mouse....we had a whole colony of mice running around our house. It was awful!!!
I TOLD you....Flyswatters! you should try them.
I feel for you. I remember that nasty feeling after seeing the mouse run across my kitchen. Once Joe chased one back to our bedroom and killed it with a golf club. LOL No kidding - he beaned it really hard.
Anyways...get some D-con mouse poison and put a box where the mouse usually comes in. Mine was under the kitchen sink by the pipes. You HAVE to keep the poison away from kids and animals that you love. It's worked like a charm for me. Plus, Anna Kate wouldn't have to see the dead mouse.
It's called a Dyson (or shop vac). Extend the "never looses suction" hose with a wee bit o cheese in the nozzle. Activate the trigger and wait on the other end of the room with plug in hand near the outlet.
Let him enjoy the extra sharp flavor and smell the rich aroma...then slap the plug in the wall (diabolical laugh optional)!
If you're using a shop vac and accidentally hit reverse it'll make a mouse shaped exit hole in the wall.
I SO feel where you are coming from! I had a mouse in our house a couple of years ago--it definitely brings out your merciless side.
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