Thursday, February 07, 2008


Why on earth would she want to see a giraffe when she was just at a playground? (And who, I'd like to know, had the brilliant idea of putting a huge playground right outside the zoo????)


Anonymous said...

Was that at the beginning of your time at the zoo?

Alicia said...

Yes, she improved when she saw the elephant (the first animal), but she didn't appreciate being rushed from place to place since we got there late. She wanted to park herself at the two playgrounds and at the orangutan. And there were a lot of people around, which made effective discipline a little difficult, if you catch my drift.

Next time, without a hair emergency, we should be able to just sit around or play longer, but the giraffe was new and we hadn't seem them yet, and they were putting them away early. And silly me, I thought that it was important to get to see them. By the time we left, I was thinking of returning the zoo pass, since the playground was free. :^(

Hannah Marie said...

That is the most inconvenient place for a playground. ;-) But seriously, the most fun. I mean, really, what mother, after spending her entire morning moseying around the zoo does NOT want to RUN around a HUGE playground for the rest of the day!

United Studies said...

This is the most precious picture I have seen in a while. And yes, that is a terrible place for a playground. So distracting!

Jennifer said...

Not only is that playground there (very annoying) but it's huge making it very hard to watch three kids at once...and no fence around it! Drives me crazy!

That is an adoreable picture though. You have beautiful children...even when dejected.

Alicia said...

Thanks, Jennifer.

Anonymous said...

get this: the NC zoo has a playground INSIDE the zoo. I cringe everytime we walk by because the kids always want to go, and I'm like: WE ARE AT THE ZOOOOOOOOO! To see ANIMALS people! :)

Alicia said...

There's actually one inside the zoo too, which I actually used to like because it was contained and had rockers for the adults to sit on in the shade. But it is for preschoolers, so now it's really no fun because the girls want to play and Ethan is too big. Not to mention the yuppy parents who get bent out of shape of their kid gets bumped accidentally...

Wendy said...

Ahhh, that picture is so sweet!