Friday, March 07, 2008

Dear Governor Schwarzenegger,

Your state's blatant disregard for parental rights in education and the outrageous ruling of the California courts in their recent decision on homeschooling is of great concern to parents everywhere. Americans are a people who have earned the right to determine their own destinies and that of their children without the interference of government. The government's responsibility is to protect people from harm, not from the teaching of their parents. It is unbelievably arrogant to act in a way that implies a complete lack of respect for the parents' rights to educate and transmit their own values to their children. I would urge you to investigate this matter and intervene on behalf of the many families in your state who have sacrificed their time and resources to see that their children receive a good education at home.

You can send an e-mail here.


United Studies said...

Did I miss something? What has Arnold done now?

Alicia said...

The California Court of Appeals made a ruling that without any additions would essentially make homeschooling in California illegal unless the parent is a certified teacher.

Hannah Marie said...

We'll just have to make sure that Montana is all for homeschooling!

United Studies said...

He has turned out to be a disappointing governor, and unfortunately I know more states will follow on this one.

PS - Both my mom and I will send cards to your brother!

Anonymous said...

We'll just have to make sure that Montana is all for homeschooling!