My child is obsessed with George of the Jungle. She has declared herself "Ursula". For those of you that have been blessed to miss the movie, Ursula is the girl George ends up marrying. So now you know that Rosie, I mean, Ursula has just gotten new church, I mean, wedding shoes, and had to come home and marry George. So these are her wedding portraits. She really likes marrying George - sometimes she has a few weddings in one day.
I got her a paperback chapter book of George of the Jungle for her birthday. It has movie pics inside. She brought it to me one day, saying, "Do you want to see George and me?" Then proceeded to show me a pic of George and Ursula in the movie, and say, "that is me, and that is George -he is my prince." George of the Jungle, you say, a prince? But that is Rosie's word for The One - you know, boyfriend, husband...you get the point. Brian is my prince. She informs me of this regularly, as if I didn't know. Anyway, back to the movie pics. She then points to Lyle, and says, "that is Lyle - he doesn't like George." "Why not?", I ask. "Because he wanted to marry me," she replies.
As we walked around downtown with my parents we sometimes had a hard time holding her hand. Because she was holding George's hand. Walking down the sidewalk with her little hand in a fist. We always know where Big George is. She keeps us informed. Often Little George and Little Ursula are around too, sometimes in the form of baby dolls, and sometimes as invisible as Big George.
When a stranger asks her name, she says, "I'm Ursula." I know they think I've got terrible taste in names. everyone automatically thinks "sea witch".
She told the cashier at Payless, "these are my wedding shoes." The cashier replied, "oh, are you going to be in a wedding?" She said, "Yes, I'm marrying George." The cashier didn't miss a beat, "Does George have a last name?" That momentarily stumped Rosie, so I replied, "Yes. 'Of the Jungle' "