Tuesday, November 04, 2008

The election for kids

Update: Check out the links for election printables at LaPaz Home Learning

  1. If possible, take your kids with you to vote. Try to avoid voting between 7-9 AM, noon-2 PM, and 5-7 PM.
  2. Then head to Krispy Kreme for your free patriotic donut with your "I Voted" sticker - buy one for your kids too. :^)
  3. Make a Future Voter button from Kaboose's election page.
  4. Solve election word problems for math or print other election day worksheets from abc teach.
  5. Need a mind-numbing game? Try the online election word search at the weekly reader election pages. Not really for younger kids - it took me four times to beat the timer!
  6. There's lots of interesting stuff at Scholastic's election page.
  7. And, of course - Time for Kids. The page of worksheets is a real gem. My fav on that page is the electoral college map. I alos like this candidate comparison sheet for young kids. Older kids can read this article, then fill out these worksheets.
  8. Check you local PBS station for some of these new Election day episodes:

1 comment:

Wendy said...

thank you! you always have so many great ideas!