Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Abraham Lincoln Bicentennial - February 12, 2009

  1. Pick up some storybook biographies of Abraham Lincoln at your library, or dig out the stories and books you have at home.
  2. I even lucked out with a Lincoln Logs building guide book. We'll be making Lincoln Log cabins for our table centerpiece again.
  3. Apples4theteacher has a nice selection of coloring pages.
  4. Check out the National Lincoln Bicentennial website. Several states have their own sites. Check the left sidebar for events near you. I like the kids section better than the teacher's section.
  5. Four variations on a pretzel log cabin here, here, here, and here.
  6. An Abraham Lincoln bank craft for all of those pennies.
  7. A Paper Plate Abe Lincoln Hat.
  8. An Abe Lincoln maze.
  9. Mr. Lincoln's White House is a rather fascinating site.
  10. Time for Kids has Lincoln worksheets in PDF files here, here, here, and a cut and paste activity here.

More ideas from last year.

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