We're having a stint of days in the 70s - heaven! So we spent Sunday at the park and zoo.

The playground has been completely redone and is very cool.

Don't you love the nosedive pic.
But those recycled tires really work - no permanent damage. :^)

Rose wanted to know why the lions didn't have any babies.
I told her that I dodn't know, but that I was sure
the zoo would be happy if they did.
She replied, "Maybe them are not married."

7 months and counting.
Oh, and my first chance to wear my pretty $4 thrift store find.
Wait 'til you see the dress I found this week for $1 -
I'm saving it for Easter.
You look so pretty in red! And I must say, you don't look 7 months pregnant!
I know your not feeling good, but you're looking good!
$1 Easter Dress? You're a thrift shop queen! :)
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