I really didn't want to go apple picking this year. I tried to bribe them with a trip to the local farm for apples and apple pie, candy apples and apple printing, but they would not be dissuaded.

We finally got there this past weekend, much later in the season than usual. Brian felt worse and worse as the day wore on, so we left him on a sheet under an tree and hauled all the way to the opposite end of the orchard to pick what was left - Granny Smiths. Fortunately, no one seemed to mind eating them, even if they are considered baking apples.
And she actually has shoes on! Wonderful pictures. I miss you guys! Hurry up Christmas!!! Love you all!
Love you too, Mama. I don't think a day goes by now that I don't get asked how many days it is until Christmas.
That last picture is really precious! You should find an artist who could make that pic of Bella into a sketch for you. ;)
Great pictures!
I love pumpkins, and I love my nieces and nephew!
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