Friday, February 09, 2007

Silly informal survey

Can you roll your tongue?

Rosie has joined the ranks of the able. (But she doesn't know what I want her to do, if I ask her to do it on cue. She just sticks her tongue out.) That leaves me to be the odd one out, everyone else in my family can do this.

So do tell.


Anonymous said...

yep, I can roll it from side to side and from front to back.

Anonymous said...

I can make a U and can also turn mine upside down both ways.

TheNormalMiddle said...

I can make a u roll but not the other one! :)

I remember reading somewhere in college that the trait is genetically linked.

Hannah Marie said...

Honey, you already know my answer, but I'm gonna give it to you anyway. I can definitely roll my tongue just like everyone else in our family. You just need to practice more!

Rachel Lynn said...

come on, leash! - who wants to be weird. Stand firm with the ranks of those of us who can't role our tongues and frankly, are really that desperate to figure out how to. =)

Anonymous said...

Well, I can...but it takes concentration and sometimes a mirror. I can touch my nose with my tongue...its not as gross as it sounds. ;-) Have a great day!