Thursday, February 22, 2007

Quick (or not so quick) Update

I'm sorry that I've been so absent this week. Just to let you know that Brian is doing much better, but is still very tired and trying to catch up after everything. Rose is a mystery. She threw up 10 times that first night, slept three hours, ate breakfast, threw up, was happy all day, hardly ate, then threw up again right before she went to bed. She didn't throw up all day yesterday, but she only ate a banana and a graham cracker all day, and had some diarrhea. She acted normal other than not eating. Today she ate half a muffin at breakfast, drank some chocolate milk (her only known cure for diarrhea in the past was whole milk- I know it's weird), we went to the park for a picnic and she took one bite and threw up all over the place, then refused to eat anything else. I can't figure it out, but it doesn't seem to be contagious, and it doesn't even look like an illness. Anyway.

It's my Nanny, my brother Titus, and my father-in-law's birthday today. And George Washington's. Happy birthday, everyone! (Not that any of them read this. Especially George.) We're trying to decide if Rosie will throw up and Brian and Ethan can eat anything at the Japanese steak house we'd like to go to for Dad's birthday dinner. There's apparently no one there to tell you about the food until they are already open, and that's when we were hoping to go.

I'm rambling, so I'll shut up now. Have a good weekend, friends. I have much more substantial posts ready in my brain, but I'm too busy trying to keep Rosie's clothes and sheets clean to write them just now. :^)


Anonymous said...

Oh my!!! I pray you figure it out soon.

Anonymous said...

I tried to post something yesterday but for some reason the word verification never populated any characters. Anyway, I just wanted to let you know that I was praying for Brian & Rosie. Please give my regards to your hubby :)

Rachel Lynn said...

Wow . . . really original with the "George" comment! Love ya . . .

Wendy said...

No fun! We've been sick here too, so I can relate. I hope everyone is doing better today.