Friday, March 02, 2007

Amazing Grace!

This movie was fantastic! We saw it on our date night Thursday. I'd heard lots of good things about it, but it was far better than I expected.

While it is a period piece, it has none of the dull spaces and overacting common to that genre. It is a well-told story of a great man and the terrible evil that he felt called to defeat. It was easy to relate to the charcters. You were allowed to see them in their weaknesses, not just their triumphs, and it made them more real. And the history of the African slave trade was presented as I had never seen it before. It was truly shocking.

Have you ever been to a movie that sought to stay in your head? Asked questions of you? This is one of those movies. It asks, "why are you here?" "What things were you meant to accomplish with your life?" Those are always questions worth revisiting.


Anonymous said...

I can't wait to see this!

Wendy said...

I'm looking forward to seeing this too!