Monday, March 19, 2007

Ministry Fair

Okay, I'm back. I was working on organizing our church's ministry fair and it took up most of my time. That along with Anna getting a virus on Friday night and Rosie getting it today has made for quite a busy week where quick posts were the order of the day. I'll try to get to some of the more serious content I've been mulling over soon.

The ministry fair is a day for church ministries to recruit volunteers. This year we had over 30 ministries participate ranging from hospital visitation, to Good News Club at the local public school, to Sparrows of Promise, a ministry working with recent graduates from a Christian addiction recovery program, to church security. It was a lot of fun! I'm hoping to be able to get more involved in missions at our church by creating more awareness of each missionary and ways of communicating with them. The internet and its accompanying communication services has really made communicating with many missionaries a breeze. I'm also planning to do a bit of work with a ministry that lends Christian videos and CDs to daycare centers. Planting seeds of truth in young hearts sounds like a good idea to me!

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