Friday, March 09, 2007

Witnessing in the Bible belt

Sometimes it can be annoying to witness to people in this "buckle of the Bible belt." You know, I finally work up the nerve to actually say something, only to find out that they go to the community church down the road and are a believer. Brian's way of dealing with this is to ask them to pretend that he's been shot and to give him the gospel in less than three minutes. I've devised a new strategy. I came up with it at the lake on Wednesday. We were feeding the ducks puffed corn while the bell tower played love songs. As we started to run low, a lady with two young boys feeding swans and geese at a nearby picnic table offered us a loaf of bread. We were chatting as we fed them together. I was ready to offer her a penny engraved with the Ten Commandments when I noticed the church logo on her shirt. I asked about her church, then if she was a believer in Jesus Christ and was going to stop there after her enthusiastic affirmation, but then decided to give her the penny anyway. I told her how I was going to use it to help her evaluate her life so that, were she not a believer, she would see her need for a Savior. Her son was doing the potty dance during my quick explanation, but I felt much more satisfied about the encounter. I think that this method works three ways. First, without expressing doubt in her believable claim that she is already I believer, I have shared the gospel with her and left her with a reminder in case she needs it. Second, I have left her with a witnessing tool, and taught her how to use it. And finally, if she is a believer, I hope that I have encouraged her to share her faith with others. So now, instead of being a little annoyed to find myself witnessing to yet another believer, I'll be excited to hopefully ignite the fires of evangelism in the believers that I meet.


Anonymous said...

Your points at the end are spot on. It's good practice, either way, and then the other person has a tool. I love these posts you and Brian write about your witnessing opportunities. They really encourage me!

TheNormalMiddle said...

Oh yes, oh yes ma'am I understand this post well. I don't live in the buckle, but well, I'm awful close.

Here, everyone in my town goes to either First Baptist, Southside Baptist, The other Baptist church, the Independent Baptist, or then there are the weirdos like me who go to the not-so-baptist-baptist church in town. LOL :) So us baptists end up witnessing over and over to the people in the other baptist churches! Sad, but true.

Wendy said...

I don't live in the belt or buckle. Many here are nominal (in name only), but maybe that could be said of most of America. People seeing church as just a Sunday thing that doesn't make a difference in their everyday lives?!

Thanks for the encouragement to share the hope we have w/others.

Leigh Ann said...

We are going to teach teh Ten Commandments this summer at church to the children. Those pennies sound great! Where do you get tehm? - Leigh Ann

Alicia said...

Leigh Ann, You can find them here at Way of the Master.