Orange-Spinach Salad
Spiral Ham with Coke (poured over it. makes it very tender)
Mom's amazing green beans and devilled eggs that she insisted were no trouble
New Potatoes in Dill Cream Sauce
Maple-Glazed Baby Carrots
Brown and serve rolls
Iced orange, passionfruit & jasmine green tea (our family's favorite tea, except Anna - there always has to be one dissenter)
Strawberry blossoms with almond cream
Rice krispy squares iced like petit fours sent by Nanny from The Popcorn Factory
Easter creamy jello jigglers (I used lemon jello and white chocolate pudding mix
and cut out butterflies instead of eggs)
Angel lush (used a Gluten Free Pantry cake mix)
When it comes to Easter baskets, it's all about the chocolate(in Rose's book at least). Don't know where she gets it from. She was on a mission to find the caramel kisses in her basket - and everyone else's!
On the flip side, after we prayed for the meal, Anna Kate asked to pray. She thanked God for sending Jesus to die for us and that He is alive, and that when she got to go to heaven she was going to sit on his lap!
And Ethan demanded everyone's attention as he shared the Easter story with the Resurrection Eggs.
In other news, my beloved has really been feeling awful. He's been having terrible knee pain which makes all moving around very painful. Please pray that it passes soon; we have no idea what triggered it.
Our Resurrection Sunday service is always such a beautiful celebration. The large clusters of lilies at the front of the church were lovely. We sang so many of my favorite songs before and after the sermon. "I Will Glory In My Redeemer", "The Power Of the Cross" (it's been in my head ever since),"I Come By the Blood," and what Easter service could be complete without "In Christ Alone"? I had been teaching it to the children all week. Anna Kate and Ethan waited for it at the beginning of the service, but we didn't sing it, then the sermon, then singing at the end. It was the last song! They were happy to be able to try to sing along.
There in the ground His body lay,
Light of the world by darkness slain;
Then bursting forth in glorious day,
Up from the grave He rose again!
And as He stands in victory,
Sin's curse has lost its grip on me;
For I am His and He is mine—
Bought with the precious blood of Christ
Copyright © 2001 Kingsway Thankyou Music
Looks like you had a fun Easter!! Well, except for the flooding part--twice. You look mahvelous in your dress!
great photos
youve been busy
yummy menu
sounds like Rosie keeps u busy
praying for your beloved
What a beautiful family you have! :) I loved the pics.
What a wonderful day of celebration you had! Thanks for sharing.
I love that dress...I can't believe the price!!!
It looks your family had a wonderful Resurrection Sunday!
The food sounds great,too!
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