Can you imagine being so poor
that you didn't even have anything to wrap your newborn in?
Can you imagine being so poor
that you didn't even have anything to wrap your newborn in?
She chose this black outfit. Originally she'd wanted a white leotard to go with her ballet shoes that she'd received at Christmas, but Walmart had only black and pink. She had this leotard already and chose to stay with black, so I got matching shoes, skirt, and tights. She pulled her black leggins over her tights to wear on the way to her lesson, wearing her Mary Janes and carrying her slippers in a cute bag. I tried to coax her into wearing a gorgeous turquoise rose in her hair, but she insisted on black there too.
Rose was wearing her Snow White dress, and I'm sure that in about six months we'll have to begin discussions on when to enroll our next dancing princess.
Leslie (Lux Venit) has me on a new roll here, friends.
See. That was easy. Your turn.
This video does a pretty good job of explaining Ron Paul's foreign policy. I used to almost completely disagree because I was a good little conservative girl that always supported any Republican president's actions and any American war, but I have learned to think for myself. I have learned to look at Constitutional law and historical precedence. Did you know that Ron Paul actually offered to write a legal declaration of war for Congress even though he himslef would not support it? That he proposed a way to specifically target the 9/11 perpetrators? But Congress found that idea too quaint. I encourage you to read the papers linked to Ron Paul's foreign policy page on his website and see if it doesn't make sense. Also, I know that many servicemen have some home speaking of the good that we are doing there. I don't doubt that. I don't doubt that the surge is working. Of course our military can accomplish their objectives. But if the final objective is peace in the Middle East, will our job ever be done? I see two viable options, we can either take over nations and force them to do whatever we want or we can quit trying to make them do our will. The half hearted mid-way attempts don't seem to be working very well. Just my thoughts.
And he is supported by our troops. They have donated more money to him than any other candidate. The want to defend and protect the United States by order of Congress, not police the world by order of the U.N.
And finally to all of you Ron Paul supporters out there, don't forget that today is the "Free At Last" money bomb. We are still in the beginning of this fight and even if we don't win this battle, we can win in the hearts and minds of Americans who will live to fight another day. The Ron Paul campaign is, to me, more than a competition for presidency, it is a reeducation in the meaning and role of the Constitution for millions of Americans that didn't learn this in school. And that alone would win my support.
Let's join Mary in buying blankets for destitute mothers and their new babies in Ethiopia.
Just wondering...
I waffled around and kept checking the weather forecast, but I was concerned that it would be yucky and wet by morning, so yes, that was my kids outside at 1 AM rolling snowballs...
for the best southern snowman this northern girl's ever managed! The snow was at the perfect stickiness for rolling huge snowballs - but lifting and stacking them proved to require a bit more effort. That and tring to get three distracted kids to look at the camera at the same time.
Ethan wasn't ready to come in for his cocoa until he'd made his own personal snowman and one for the freezer.
And, miraculously enough, after a few Barbie princess music videos on youtube and a snow-themed storybook, they fell into bed again at about 2:20 and immediately passed out.
We've been enjoying so many fun things and are looking forward to many more this month. I bought Ethan Magnetix for his birthday and mentioned it to a friend who also bought some, then a couple of days later, a neighbor brought over some things from her daughter, and lo and behold - another container of Magnetix. God does things like that all of the time for us, bringing up just the right opportunities at just the time we are studying something. The books and DVD were already requested and on the library shelf, and we happily embarked on a few days of magnet study. We also had a magnet kit that had been given to him last year and I'd stashed away. It has several cards of information and experiments. Making a simple compass was a highlight.
Ethan has picked up on our enthusiasm for Ron Paul. He said, " I want Ron Paul to be the president because he believes in the Consitution." Then, "Mom, what's the Constitution? Can we read it?" I love that boy. So today, or maybe tomorrow we'll embark on a study of the Constitution and some other history of that period. We have a few books, including a book on tape about Martin Luther King, Jr. to read on his birthday first.
Last night, Brian and I were happily engaged reading some of the Revolution/Constitution books and watching Schoolhouse Rock.
I've been requesting (at the library online)and saving books on snow for a snow themed day. We never got to the paper snowflake contest on New Year's Eve, so we'll make them and maybe have some Mayfield's snow cream too. It would be nice if we could have a real snow day this month and read them then...
Snowflake Bentley
My Brother Loved Snowflakes: The Story of Wilson A Bentley, the Snowflake Man
The Big Snow
and others
Also in the mix is an upcoming MAP day, dedicated to maps, globes, and other geography-like pursuits, and, inspired by our My America history book today, some video exploration of some of our national parks, monuments, and historic sites. And looking ahead to February, I've been collecting picture book biographies for Black History month including, Harriet Tubman, Rosa Parks, Sojourner Truth, Jesse Owens, and Samuel Morris. And books for a unit on China and Dragons in time to celebrate Chinese New Year.
What have you been enjoying lately?
After food and gifts, they will enjoy Torchlighter's John Bunyan DVD and a Pilgrim's Progress board game ; several John Bunyan/ Pilgrim's Progress activity sheets put together with construction paper covers, will be their party favors.
I'm going to try to find a Megabloks knight to go with a new dragon of Ethan's for the cake decorations, if that doesn't work out, I'll have the grocery store make a sugar disk with a scan of Ethan's drawing of Apollyon and Christian.
What about the tableware? I was thinking maybe I should go all white and gold to go with the Celestial City concept. Or even use real white dishes and glasses. What do you think? I've got to get this all together right away today, so hit me with your feedback fast.
Oh, and have you ever heard this?
This video is for the people who say Ron Paul doesn't stand a chance in the upcoming primaries.