Update: Everything went well, and there were no obvious problems. Now we wait for the biopsy results. She was giggly and happy before the procedure, less than happy when she woke up feeling drugged and with an IV in her arm, and then back to her old self after about an hour and some Dunkin' Donuts ( a real treat in this half-gluten-free house and possibly her last chance!). Thanks for praying - you bless me.
Anna Kate is having an endoscopy done early tomorrow (Wednesday) morning. This is really not too big of a deal, but just pray that she would not be nervous, that they would find out why it is that her tummy always hurts, and that she won't have any trouble with the anesthesia. There's a good chance that it's celiac disease, which doesn't really fluster me much - we're used to that around here. Either way, I just want to know how to make her feel better.
Yes, we'll pray for her.
You know me, I just went through this.....so we are praying for her and you guys and sending love your way.
She is so precious!
I would be honored to pray for her.
Will be praying for her!
Praying right now. Let us know how it goes!
So glad everything went well! Oh yes, for a good half hour after the procedure Emma was a groggy, confused and grumpy little girl.
Praying the results come back soon!
I guess I haven't been on in a couple days and missed this post. I am glad everything went well. Will pray that the Dr.'s figure out what is causing her tummy aches. Savannah says she has a stomach ache every night when she goes to bed. We haven't really thought much of it because she ONLY brings it up at bedtime.
I'm sorry she has not been feeling well. I hope everything is okay! I will pray for you guys.
She is such a beautiful girl!
Wow, I'm glad I stopped by - I don't get over here often enough! I will pray for her tonight.
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