Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Feeling the need for a lighter, non-polical post

So, for those of you in the throes of winter's frosty grasp, or in our cases, rainy grasp, what are five things you love about winter? I'll get you started:
  1. Snow. Really. I love it. Even when I lived in the North. Although if i lived in Alaska I might change my mind...but I digress.
  2. The birds at my feeders - titmouse, cardinals, bluejays, juncos, sparrows, and that other bird I only saw once and can't identify.
  3. Hot chocolate
  4. Jeans and sweaters
  5. Christmas, or, if that doesn't count Valentine's Day.

See. That was easy. Your turn.


United Studies said...

I am not sure if I am so happy with winter right now. We haven't had temperatures above freezing in over a week! :-)

~Rhen @yestheyareallmine said...

Oooh, I love the snow too.
~I loved watching it fall when you lived up north for a few years. ~I also love hot chocolate. ~Matching fuzzy hats, gloves and scarves.
~Going out in the morning to see what critters left tracks in the snow.
~Fires in the fireplace.
