This is the theme my soon-to-be seven year old has requested for his birthday party this year. So this Saturday we will take the journey at my mother -in-law's split level home. I'll be reading excerpts from A BEKA's simplified Pilgrim's Progress (one of Ethan's favorite books).
- The basement a.k.a. City of Destruction where they begin their journey with a weight in their backpack burdens
- The Slough of Despond where they will be stuck playing Twister
- Up the first half of the stairs to Mr. Legality and the ten commandments poster
- Through the Wicket (baby)Gate as "arrows" rain down from the living room above
- Up the rest of the hill (stairs) with a wall on either side named Salvation to the Cross where their burdens will fall off into the tomb (box with round hole) and they will receive their scrolls and armor
- Into the first bedroom where they will fight Apollyon (Brian in a dragon head)
- Then into a second bedroom with a cardboard Doubting Castle wall and the Giant Despair who will throw them in the bunk bed dungeon which they will eventually escape using their God's Promise keys (baby rattle keys?)
- And finally back down the hall to The River ( blue streamers hung in a celing to floor curtain) separating the living room from the Celestial City kitchen.
- The Celestial City will have a Pilgrim's Progress coconut cake with the coconut dyed to grass green and a large dragon on it and a small knight postioned on a hill, served with root beer floats. We're using a real tablecloth, white dishes, and pretty goblets too, instead of paper goods.
After food and gifts, they will enjoy Torchlighter's John Bunyan DVD and a Pilgrim's Progress board game ; several John Bunyan/ Pilgrim's Progress activity sheets put together with construction paper covers, will be their party favors.
I'm going to try to find a Megabloks knight to go with a new dragon of Ethan's for the cake decorations, if that doesn't work out, I'll have the grocery store make a sugar disk with a scan of Ethan's drawing of Apollyon and Christian.
What about the tableware? I was thinking maybe I should go all white and gold to go with the Celestial City concept. Or even use real white dishes and glasses. What do you think? I've got to get this all together right away today, so hit me with your feedback fast.
Oh, and have you ever heard this?
Oh, we are such kindred spirits!! I LOVE the Abeka version & Torchlighter DVD! Great party!! Can't wait to hear all about it. Theme parties are so-o-o-o fun! I may have to steal some of these ideas in a few years with my younger son. :)
As far as tableware, it depends on how careful your group is. Did you invite a lot of "crazies"? We have a few in our neighborhood, so I would go with the fancy plastic. But the white real stuff is a good idea to make things special as long as you don't have a huge bunch of kids & ones who aren't careful.
Good luck & post pix!!
What a fantastic idea!!! I am going to have to remember this for future reference!
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