Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Olympics for Kids

  1. Read articles (Olympic-Medal-Winning Countries, Heading to Beijing, A Big Day for Gymnastics, etc.), tour China , and more at Time for Kids
  2. Make an Olympic torch , Olympic flags, or winner's medals at Kaboose
  3. Learning Pages has fun worksheets and activity sheets both here (from the Athens Olympics) and new ones here. Remember, you have to be a member to access these, but it's free - no strings attached.
  4. Find out All About the Olympic Games, do really cool Olympic printables, writing paper, and worksheets, All kinds of China activities , really cool Olympic ring cookies , cool crafts, including an Olympics window flag and Olive Leaf Crown and more at Activity
  5. Check out the Beijing 2008 educational kit.
  6. Scholastic has a great Olympics site originally developed for the Athens Olympics. It includes a cool online game, It's Greek to Me and a Global Trek to China.
  7. Associated Content has an good article, Parent's Guide: Watching the 2008 Summer Olympics with Kids.
  8. And Wikipedia has a great 2008 Summer Olympics page too.
  9. Teacher Vision has a cool slideshow of the Summer Olympic Game Events that includes the dates for each event, another fascinating slideshow Top 10 Olympic Controversies (about specific athletes), as well as lesson plans and other articles.

I may add more later, but since the right click on my mouse has frozen and I'm too dumb or lazy to cut and paste links any other way, this is all you're getting right now. :^)


United Studies said...

Oh thank you for the links! I've missed these. Touring the preschool yesterday showed me how much I've been homeschooling Emma and not realized it. For me, learning is just a normal part of our day.

Wendy said...

Great links! Thanks!