Thursday, February 05, 2009

I'm Still Here, or I'm Back, or Something Like That

Just a little update before I start throwing out random posts.

My Nanny (paternal grandmother) died two weeks ago and the memorial service was in PA this past weekend. So we drove back up last Thursday and home again Monday. It was a smooth trip and the service turned out very nicely. The children hated the long drive, but were good sports and delighted to be back at Gramma and Pappy's so soon.

They even got to go sledding with Daddy and Pap on Friday morning thanks to a nice Wednesday snow that had stayed nice and frozen for them - wish I had pictures of all that, but I was running errands with my mother and sister and didn't think that Brian would appreciate juggling three kids, toboggans, saucers, and an expensive camera.

I'm still having a typically lousy pregnancy. I came home pretty wiped out again, but not quite as bad as Christmas. I think it might be partly connected to my iron level (or lack thereof). I can't keep vitamins down, so I've been eating Total, but I never think to take it along with me.

The kids started on another round of colds the night before we left. Rose is still pretty sick with it, but the other two seem to be recovered. Brian's pretty much had a cough/throat thing since New Years, but I don't know if it's the same one, or if he just keeps getting the kids colds and that's just how they affect him. I'm doing pretty well with the cold thing. I did catch the first round - my first cold in ten years! - but this round I just had a random cough. It contributed to the pregnancy issues, but wouldn't be worth mentioning otherwise and seems to have gone away.

So I've stocked the fridge with Dole fruit juices and the cabinets with teas, honey, and apple cider vinegar. We also have stockpiles of Delsyn and Sudafed, and boxes of lotion Puffs (my kids think that only Puffs are soft enough for sore noses, so I just go with the flow.)

We're still studying composers and are also doing some other fine arts stuff. This worked out well as we were able to listen to several CDs on our car trip - composer stories, classical CDs, etc. I picked up some books at the library this week to go along with my plans for the 200th anniversary of Lincoln's birthday this month. Also our traditional small stack of African American biographies for black history month and some books on George Washington, so I think we should sail smoothly through February. I'll share more details if I have time.

Well, there's my traditionally random catch-up post. Hopefully I'll be around more often now.


United Studies said...

Hope and pray that you get your strength back! I had trouble with my iron levels when I was pregnant with Emma and was always tired, but fortunately I never had morning (or any time of day) sickness.

alli said...

Hi Alicia - Alli Quebe here - I am sorry you are still having a rough pregnancy. I was just curious - what is the apple cider vinegar for? My kids are starting with colds and I am always looking for more homeopathic things to do for them. Thanks!

Hannah said...

yay! glad to see you're back and still alive.

Alicia said...

Hey, Alli! Nice to hear from you. Apple cider vinegar appears to have many uses, we look up natural remedies on the earth clinics website. Sometimes they work and sometimes they don't, but Brian even more than the rest of us avoids traditional drugs with a vegeance. I'm not sure if you could get kids to take the vinegar - it's nasty, but Brian just found a more palatable way to take it. He now heats hot water and adds the apple cider vinegar and honey and sips it like a tea. Among other things, it is good for digestion and is recommended for sore throats, which is why it's in use now.

I'd love to hear of any natural cold remedies that you've used for your kids that work well. I've tried some homeopathic stuff without much success. I did find very good cough drops that are sugar-free (sweetened with brown rice syrup) that my children like.