Saturday, February 24, 2007

Henry and Mudge

Thanks to my sweet little friend Leah who lent us several of her books, we have become big fans of a big dog named Mudge and his best friend Henry. The books are level 2 readers, and Ethan is at level 1 right now, so I'm reading them and the kids LOVE them!

If you've never heard of them before:

  1. Take a first look at Simon and Schuster.
  2. Then look inside one at Amazon.

Already a fan?

  1. Find language arts worksheets for two of the books at abcteach.
  2. Really cute printable stationary and additional worksheets at Marcia's Lesson Links.
  3. Printable memory game and activity pages at simon and schuster, and a printable board game as well
  4. Their teaching guide for the Henry and Mudge books can help with ideas for fun and sequencing. My favorite is to celebrate Mudge's birthday on May 1. Note: I can now (2/2011) only find this available at teachervision.
  5. A primary level reader's theatre script at havefunteaching.

A really big fan?

1 comment:

Happy Harping said...

I stumbled accross your blog looking for some things for the Henry and Mudge book for some special ed students. Thanks so much for the great links to wonderful activities.
Teaching in Houston!