Saturday, February 03, 2007

Top 20 Praise and Worship Songs...So Far

I turned on the radio this morning just in time to catch most of 20 The Countdown Magazine which was playing the Top 20 Praise and Worship Songs..So Far. Jon Rivers was co-hosted by Chris Tomlin. What a blessing! All of these songs are favorites of mine. Our family favorite though would have to be "How Great Is Our God." Rosie even sings along, humming on syllables, then ending each phrase with "ah Goh." And she raises her arms to praise our great and holy God. The next song to play was "You Are My King," which includes the phrase "and it's my joy to honor You, in all I do, I honor You." And Ethan asked, "Mom, did they just say, 'in all I do, I barbeque?' " Good grief.

This show had wonderful background stories to several of the songs, the Psalms and situations that inspired them. You can listen to them by clicking here and scrolling down to the extended podcast version.


Wendy said...

I love that song too!

TheNormalMiddle said...

Worthy is the Lamb by Darlene Zschech is my favorite of all time! :) Chris Tomlin is one of my favorite worship artists too. ALL his songs are great!